Claim Dates

The table below lists and describes the various dates used throughout the Claims functions of the system:



Date Created

This date is set to the current system date when the claim is initially created.

Date Modified

This date is set to the current system date when the claim is initially created and each time the claim is saved.

Date Received

This date is typically set to the date the claim was first submitted to the State. The date can be changed by an authorized State user via the Internal Use Only section of the claim form until the claim has been processed for payment. The value of this field is used to validate the 15/30 day claim rules.

Date Accepted

This date is set to the current system date each time the claim is submitted for payment and contains no errors. If errors are detected during the submit process, the date is not set.

These claims are identified with a status of “Accepted”.  Accepted claims can be modified until they are included in a payment batch.

Date Processed

This is the date that the claim was added by the State into the batch payment process (via Payment Tracking in the Accounting module).  Once the claim has been added to a batch (i.e., “batched”), it cannot be modified.

These claims are identified with a status of “Accepted*” until the batch process has completed. When the batch process is completed, the status of the claim is “Processed”.

If a change is required to a claim that has a status of “Accepted*” or “Processed”, a revised claim must be entered into the system.